Ease on Down the Road

In the words of Michael Jackson, “Don’t you carry nothing that might be a load.” On a daily basis, I carry a purple three 3-piece American Tourister luggage set. They are not used for adventurous travels. They contain the weight of life that I allow to accompany me everywhere. The largest suitcase is full of worries about my children. I can add more to it because it is expandable. My hand grips the handle of the wheeled duffle bag. It is tightly packed with concerns about my health. Hanging over my shoulder is the matching tote. It is filled with hundreds of questions like, “Do I measure up? Am I good enough?” The mini backpack straddled to my back is bursting at the seams with fear and anxiety. There is also a purse hanging on my shoulder with a wallet of financial uncertainty. My movement is cumbersome and slow. But Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my burden is easy and my yoke is light.” Matthew 11:29-30. If I followed His word, I should be traveling lightly and I could “Ease on Down the Road.”


  1. Sherri, that’s a verse I quote to myself every time I begin to feel the weight of sorrow and anxiety over things in my life I can’t control. Thanks for the reminder that we don’t have to schlepp those burdens alone.

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