
I do not recommend that anyone imitate this mission. It is bad for your mental health, lol. This was absolutely crazy. In 12 days, we spent the majority of our day crammed inside a van together, getting on each other’s nerves. We were always in a rush and on a timetable. Not much time to relax and enjoy each destination. The food supply never seemed to be enough. The restroom breaks were endless. It was very peaceful while everyone was asleep. When they were all awake, it was loud, sometimes entertaining and other times I was ready to flee at the gas station. I’m afraid to tally the expenses, but it was fun and memorable. I literally drove to the wheels came off. I am blessed that I could physically and financially make this a reality. I would never do it again. Or would I? LOL


  1. Glad you and kiddos had a great time. Make the memories to share with your grands when they arrive. Love you guys.

  2. So proud of you for giving your kids such amazing memories that they’ll cherish so much more as the years go by. Hopefully, one day they’ll take their own kids on trips like this.

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